Church Leadership
Duane Beach, Lead Pastor
Duane is the teaching pastor at High Point Baptist Church. He grew up in Germany ministering to the U.S. Military. In 2004, he came back to Germany with his family, and in 2005, he assumed leadership of High Point.
He enjoys reading, studying, and preaching—like most pastors. He also enjoys relating to people, playing soccer, and tinkering with technology.
Daylin Beach, Children and Ladies Ministry Director
As she grew up, Daylin never thought she would be a pastor’s wife. Now, God has gifted her with not only being the wife of a pastor but also with the opportunity to shepherd and minister to the ladies and children in the church. She also plays the piano and helps keep everything organized at High Point!
RICK BRITTON, Music Ministry Director
Chris Walters, Deacon
Edwin Vasquez, Deacon
Judson Hockman, Deacon
Ben Ingram, Deacon
JOhn & Elva Beach, Pastor Emeritus
John and Elva Beach have been in Germany working with the U.S. Military since 1976! They first started in Ulm, and then they came to the Vilseck area in 1993. They bring years of experience and a wealth of wisdom to the leadership of the church.