Our Missionaries

We support a variety of different missionaries around the world. While we support them all throughout the entire year, we encourage the church body to intentionally pray for, donate to, send words of encouragement to, and generally support each specific missionary family with our "Missionary of the Month" program that gives updates on and prays for the highlighted missionary during church service. We encourage you to use this page as a place to take some time to read about and pray for all of our supported missionaries.

  • Frank & Sonia Ayala

    Frank & Sonia are a retired military family that after 22 years of service in the U.S. Army,

    God is calling to serve the teenagers who are still a part of that community with Club Beyond.

    God has continually shaped us and grown us throughout my military career and has

    used numerous people to encourage our faith along the way.

    For more information: www.clubbeyond.org

    Contact them via email at: frank.ayala277@gmail.com

  • John and Elva Beach

    John and Elva have been ministering to the American Military in Germany since 1976. They planted High Point Baptist Church in Ulm first and then replanted High Point in Vilseck in 1993.

    Contact them via email at:


  • Ron & Svitlana DAVIS

    Ron Davis leads the ABWE team in Poland. He serves with national churches in the Gdansk region. His focus is on church ministry and church planting. The national churches also have a strong Ukrainian ministry. 

    Contact him via email at:


  • Brian and ariel dicks

    Brian and Ariel serve in Budapest, Hungary by discipling and mentoring students to be leaders for God's Kingdom work throughout the world. They also serve as youth leaders in the local church and as teachers at the International Christian School of Budapest.

    For more information: https://backtobudapest.home.blog/

    Contact them via email at: brian.dicks@abwe.cc

  • Joel and Debbie DIcks

    We serve as the team leaders for ABWE Hungary. Our focus is on partnering with Hungarian Baptist churches and their pastors. Our objectives include various ministry outreaches, church strengthening, training and resource development.

    For more information:


  • Matt & Tina Huisjen

    Matt & Tina Huisjen serve with Cadence International, a mission to the American military. As directors of The Vilseck House, they provide a home-away-from-home for members of the Rose Barracks community, offering home-cooked suppers, Bible studies and discussions, Saturday activities and weekend trips, discipleship, hikes, Post chapel support, sight-seeing, movies, game nights, etc.

    For more information: www.vilseckhouse.org
    Contact them via email at: matt.huisjen@cadence.org

  • Keith and Julia Klaus

    Keith and Julia are ministering to German nationals. Keith serves as the pastor of Freie Baptisten Gemeinde Oberpfraundorf.

    For more information:


  • Frank and Andrea Krause

    Frank and Andrea are German nationals reaching Germans. Frank helps pastor Freie Baptiste Gemeinde of Landshut.

    For more information:


  • Steve and Sabrina Marshall

    Steve is American and Sabrina is French. They minister in Lyon working to start a church-planting movement..

    Contact them via email at:


  • Amos & Ashley Miguel

    Amos and Ashley currently serve at the Cru Headquarters in Florida as they explore what God has for them  in their next chapter of ministry. 

    For more information:


  • Mirci and Mia Pricop

    Preaching the gospel to the lost in Gypsy Communities, Market places, Summer Camps and serving in Romanian and Gypsy Churches and in a Bible Institute, while we go anywhere God sends us and we are invited to preach and to serve.

    For more information:


  • John and Rose Radank

    John and Rose began a church plant from High Point in Hohenfels in 2000. They minister to the American military in the Hohenfels area and have helped start two German churches.

    For more information:



  • Daniel and Elizabeth Ransom

    The Ransoms are church planters with Baptist Mid-Missions. They are currently helping transition Centro Evangelico Battista from church plant to graduation. Daniel also oversees the broadcasting ministries (radio, TV, web).

    For more information:




  • Nelu and Maria Sirb

    He is working in 5 village churches: Dobresti, Hodis, Valea-Mare, Forosig and Ceisoara, which are at around 25-50 km from Oradea. The churches are mainly formed with old people because the young ones are in the city or in other countries for work.

    Contact them via email at:


  • Steve and Cheryl Winget

    Steve & Cheryl serve on the ABWE CEEMed (central & eastern Europe) Regional Resource Team.  Steve’s primary role is that of an itinerant teacher/trainer/mentor responding to requests for training primarily coming from locations in our region (and nearby) wherein ABWE does not have resident missionaries (such as, but not limited to, Greece, Moldova, Turkey, Serbia, and Czech Rep).  He also serves on the Regional Vision Team whose role it is to assist the regional director in research and vision-casting for our regional team of missionaries.  Cheryl’s role is to serve as ABWE European K-12 Educational Consultant.  She is charged with the task of helping ABWE (and other evangelical missions) personnel deal with various issues dealing with their children’s education thereby promoting missions personnel effectiveness & longevity.

    Contact them via email at:
